Author: alex

Did you incur investment losses with Donald Toomer Jr.?

The Securities Law Firm of Menzer & Hill, P.A. is investigating claims involving Donald Toomer Jr. of Wells Fargo related to his alleged penny stock fraud.

According to the SEC’s complaint, Donald Toomer, Jr., a Las Vegas based financial advisor with Wells Fargo, in conjunction with another individual manipulated trading in: NXT Nutritionals Holdings (NXTH), Mesa Energy Holdings (MSEH), and Clear-Lite Holdings (CLRH).

If you invested with Donald Toomer Jr. you may be able to recover those losses through the FINRA arbitration process.

Under FINRA rules and regulations, Broker-Dealers are responsible for supervising the actions of those advisors registered with their firm, and therefore may be held liable for the actions of their Broker(s).

For a free case evaluation or to discuss any other investment losses, please contact the Securities Law Firm of Menzer & Hill, P.A., at 888-923-9223, or visit us on the web at <> .